We Offer Multiple Services
PRoject ManageMENT
Provide advisory role in Project Management as per PMP Guidelines . We are in a position to provide tools to monitor and track the project progress by interfacing with known applications as JIRA and Salesforce. We can also provide qualified resources for the project management needs of the clients.
BUsiness Analytics
Provide advisory role and/or resources to deliver interactive dashboards and reports with the ability to drill down or drill up capabilities using COGNOS, TABLEAU and POWER BI.
Data Migration & ConVERSION
It a known fact in IT projects that data conversion and migration can make or break a project. OHM SOFTWARE based on its experience of undertaking such tasks, can provide advisory and/or experienced resources to make such an undertaking a resounding success.
All Aspects OF SOftware Development LIFE CYCLE
OHM SOFTWARE can advise and/or provide experienced resources for all aspects of a software development life cycle from the inception to completion of a software project in diverse technologies. Some of the representative skills are:
Project Managers, Systems/Business Analysts, DBAs, Testing co-ordinators, Testers, Developers and ETL experts and Business Intelligence/ Analysts experts.
It has been our experience that all projects end up with certain mitigations and work arounds when delivered into production environment. OHM SOFTWARE has developed a capability to automate such mitigations which stay in place till the mitigated functionality becomes part of the real solution.